Multi-Beam Enhanced femtosecond lAser Micro-drilling

  • This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme within the framework of the PULSATE Project funded under grant agreement No [951998]. PULSATE is supported by the Photonics Public Private Partnership
  • The main goal of the exploration of innovative beam shaping tecniques aiming to improve the throughput of different micromachining processes

2023 – 2024


Sub-micron holes drilling by flexible burst mode fs laser for nanoparticle analysis

  • This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme within the framework of the PULSATE Project funded under grant agreement No [951998]. PULSATE is supported by the Photonics Public Private Partnership
  • Partners: Lithium Lasers SRL e Elements SRL
  • Developing a new method for fast and reproducible manufacturing of submicron diameter holes on polyimide membranes. The project goal is to increase the speed and size reproducibility in drilling of micro holes in the sub micrometer range for flow cells production (di agnostic consumable).

2021 – 2023


Metrology and Artificial Intelligence for the development and quality control of micromachining processes with femtosecond lasers

  • Supported by: Autonomous Province of Trento (LP 6/99)
  • Proposer: Kirana Srl
  • Partner: Fondazione Bruno Kessler (3DOM)
  • The technical-scientific objective of the project consists in the digitalization of the fine-tuning phase of laser micromachining processes through the development of advanced analysis methodologies. These include the joint use of industrial metrology and artificial intelligence, and moreover the development of machine learning algorithms to support the staff in setting up the laser machining process.

2018 – 2020


Micromachining and innovative treatments on advanced materials using femtosecond lasers

  • Supported by: Autonomous Province of Trento (LP 6/99)
  • Proposer: Kirana Srl
  • Partners: University of Trento (DICAM), Politecnico di Milano (Physics Department)
  • The main aim is the development of industrial processes of micro-machining and innovative surface treatments on advanced materials by means of femtosecond lasers. This includes the in-depth study and evaluation of the optimal laser parameters to obtain sub-micrometric machining with high precision and quality. Within this project the FemtoLab has been set up.

2018 – 2021

Laser surface microtexturing for tuning friction

  • Supported by Fondazione Caritro
  • Proposer: University of Trento (DICAM)
  • Partner: Kirana Srl
  • The research project involves the study, the design and the fabrication of controllable friction surfaces. The bio-inspired surfaces are manufactured by means of laser texturing technique and then characterized and tested in order to understand how the realized microstructures affect the tribological properties of the surfaced.

2016 – 2029

Microstructured quartz or polymer surfaces for wettability control (self-cleaning glasses)

  • Supported by Fondazione Caritro
  • Propose: University of Trento (DICAM)
  • Partners: Kirana Srl
  • The aim of the project is the development of methodologies and experimental techniques for the realization of resistant and large artificial surfaces with hydrophobic and self-cleaning properties.

META-F (PAT LP 6/99)

META-F: Microlavorazioni e trattamenti innovativi su materiali avanzati mediante laser al femtosecondo (2018-2020)

  • Supportato da Provincia Autonoma di Trento (LP 6/99)
  • Proponente: Kirana Srl
  • Partners: Università degli Studi di Trento (DICAM), Politecnico di Milano (Dipartimento di Fisica)
  • Scopo principale è la messa a punto di processi industriali di microlavorazioni e trattamenti superficiali innovativi su materiali avanzati tramite laser a femtosecondo. Questo comporta lo studio approfondito e valutazione dei parametri laser ottimali per ottenere lavorazioni sub-micrometriche ad alta precisione e qualità. Nell’ambito di tale progetto è stato allestito il FemtoLab.

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META-F (PAT LP 6/99)

META-F: Micromachining and innovative treatments on advanced materials using femtosecond lasers (2018-2020)

  • Supported by: Autonomous Province of Trento (LP 6/99)
  • Proposer: Kirana Srl
  • Partners: University of Trento (DICAM), Politecnico di Milano (Physics Department)
  • The main aim is the development of industrial processes of micro-machining and innovative surface treatments on advanced materials by means of femtosecond lasers. This includes the in-depth study and evaluation of the optimal laser parameters to obtain sub-micrometric machining with high precision and quality. Within this project the FemtoLab has been set up.

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