Beyond the fabrication of microstructures, sample analysis and measurement is of primary importance.

In Kirana laboratories different kinds of instruments are available for metrological analysis. Depending on the characteristics of the sample, the avaliable instruments are:

  • Optical microscope with different magnifications. These insruments are periodically calibrated and enable certified measurements when specifically requested.
  • Optical profilometer (White light interferometer). This instrument enables a high fidelity 3D reconstruction of sample surfaces.
  • Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) equipped with secondary and backscatterd electrons detector for the observation of the smallest samples. Additionally, a sputter coater allows the observation of non-conductive samples
3D reconstructed pillars on ceramic material by optical profilometer
Optical microscope image
3D profilometer reconstruction
Micro-channel in aluminium with measurement of cross-section by profilometer
Optical microscope image
2D profile reconstruction
Scanning Electron Microscope images
Array of 2 µm hole on 50 µm thick stainless steel
Array of 7.5 µm spaced grooves on glass substrate and 5 µm depth

META-F (PAT LP 6/99)

META-F: Microlavorazioni e trattamenti innovativi su materiali avanzati mediante laser al femtosecondo (2018-2020)

  • Supportato da Provincia Autonoma di Trento (LP 6/99)
  • Proponente: Kirana Srl
  • Partners: Università degli Studi di Trento (DICAM), Politecnico di Milano (Dipartimento di Fisica)
  • Scopo principale è la messa a punto di processi industriali di microlavorazioni e trattamenti superficiali innovativi su materiali avanzati tramite laser a femtosecondo. Questo comporta lo studio approfondito e valutazione dei parametri laser ottimali per ottenere lavorazioni sub-micrometriche ad alta precisione e qualità. Nell’ambito di tale progetto è stato allestito il FemtoLab.

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META-F (PAT LP 6/99)

META-F: Micromachining and innovative treatments on advanced materials using femtosecond lasers (2018-2020)

  • Supported by: Autonomous Province of Trento (LP 6/99)
  • Proposer: Kirana Srl
  • Partners: University of Trento (DICAM), Politecnico di Milano (Physics Department)
  • The main aim is the development of industrial processes of micro-machining and innovative surface treatments on advanced materials by means of femtosecond lasers. This includes the in-depth study and evaluation of the optimal laser parameters to obtain sub-micrometric machining with high precision and quality. Within this project the FemtoLab has been set up.

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